C.E. certified Building design and construction solutions.
All types of CE-certified buildings are constructed including factories, warehouses sheds, and milking parlours, dairy and beef housing units, grain stores, kits sheds, slurry storage tanks, walls and silage pits etc. The team at Derry O’Donovan Ltd can design and construct the entire building from top to bottom, including all steelwork and concrete work.
Since 1st July 2014, it has been a legal requirement for all fabricated structural steelwork delivered to site to be CE Marked. It is now unlawful to place structural steel products or fabricated structural steel on the market if they are not CE Marked. Derry O Donovan Ltd is a certified supplier of CE marked structural steel.
The team have constructed the expansions of Staunton Foods Ltd., Timoleague one of the main pig meat processors in the Ireland. They also constructed Barryroe Co-op’s grain store at Timoleague along and another project was the showrooms for Denis Ryan Car Sales – Main Citroen dealer in Bishopstown.